DislikedWould be nice to see this flag projection. Need to break 2300 nicely first {image}Ignored

no secret what the hold up is either , slightly different than plat form may be , but "procedure" an all, in spite of the "crash"

Why Are We Here? If you are really here for profits, please read! 145 replies
I want a losing system 138 replies
The till Aussi is back thread 377 replies
Bearish Gold thread / Bubble implode thread 40 replies
Goldline "Scandal" 33 replies
DislikedWould be nice to see this flag projection. Need to break 2300 nicely first {image}Ignored
Dislikedjr , ooy , the screen clean cometh , , too blanking noisy round these parts here , an the new crack pipe bill and shit for illegals is a bit blanking ridiculous ,bad nuff when it goes to dead beats of ones own country , let along ones from others , just saying , was meant to be a little help in time of a need "originally " , not a blanking life style , still say the one paying it should decide where it gets spent , {image} hard to say good bye to good gumpys, have fun all, will say in departing , "hope" dont cut it ,long with the parrot...
Disliked{quote} I saw QR1 nearby. but you don't draw it. So when do we look at QR MrJRIgnored
Dislikedstarted the day being fistfucked at -20% and finally turned to little bit greener than be{image} {image} https://youtu.be/nCrlyX6XbTU?si=3_uBVKtTABXECyWQ
Disliked{quote} jr , okay , Im a bit young , maybe a bit backwoods , what exactly does that mean thosounds bad tho
there is some lines that been there for 2 months an a couple weeks now , some carry on like they johnny come lately lines , your timing a bit off perhaps , but maybe some longer view that saves ya here an there , you getting closer Mr S , you getting closer
I know , hard to "anticipate" whats on the right when "looking" at your smaller toggle view on the left , may...
Disliked{quote} oh we live in a era that everybody has a device that tells us information about anything just by tiping it, in this case, I strongly suggest you to be alone when you search for itI would share some links but I don't want to be daredevil and make aussi ban me from the bar
good luck Yes, about higher tf, the weekly is telling a little bit where it wants to go by, probably, this end of quarter that is arround the corner, that, may be that one "I see it from miles away" that we talked about at march, we will see If...
Disliked{quote} Come to think of it, need to get out more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS-af9Q-zvQIgnored
Disliked{quote}going outside alone made me more miserable in the long therm, I go out just for the vit D and coffeesIgnored