I have noticed that not so few members ignore other members that DO contribute and their predicitons HAPPEN... So why anyone, in their right mind, that is here for the money, would ban/ignore ANYONE that is bringing THE JUICE to the thread/forum? The only possible explanation that I can find... other then "ignorance".. is that
some are here to lose You can find the reference in many official (professional) books..
I strongly recommend this clips, that might wake-up your mind... about WHY ARE YOU HERE... If you are here for other things, wonderful!
Would just be appreciated if you let others know maybe.. so some do not lose time giving you valuable advices/signals for free... and then being pissed on, ignored etc.. in return... I have been checking some members that might contribue here the most (in PROFIT potential terms), not bullshiting, switching/ditching accounts, giving vague "forecasts", hiding their TEs, modifying/editing/deleting posts that didn't happen.. or pretending they didn't post completely wrong signals... with HIGH PROBABILITy.. and people BLEW accounts on it...
Ok so here is the situation with some (you be the judge about the % of them, I suspect it might not be negligible)...
Ask yourself why are you here:
- Are you looking for FRIENDS or MONEY? Some motivational CLIP.
- Are you here to WIN or to LOSE? HIGHLY recommending this clip!
They seem to be retarded questions but still many people do not know (or forget) the answer or are not aware of their stance (even if subconsciously)..
And check this series! You will see why people lose even if they have the potential! Most of them would blow account even if they would go BACK in the past, knowing the CHART in advance... because they had so many issues, fixations etc...
Why do you think they ask questions like this in the interview? Or why this clip is very realistic. Do you think some members here really abuse you? Think again, see this clip PLEASE! They want to see if your focus is right, if you have what it takes, if you can submit yourself for THE MISSION aka MAIN OBJECTIVE (making money).... and not letting any other issue (revenge, egotrip, fixation, whatever...) get in a way.. because many BLOW accounts, even if they have it... because of those issues... It is nice to know you can rely on someones HUNGER for money/profit ALONE.. without dealing/pricing-it very costly personality issues
This is how markets are! Check my funny but realistic POST!
Markets are toughest monster (to handle, if possible at all, longterm at least) you might ever encounter. And if you have ANY fixation, egotrip, OCD, whatever... your trades will (Eventually) blow in your face... Because it is hard as it is... border impossible, but possible for some... And the one that do make it... I would dare to say... are focus on MONEY/PROFIT alone... It is hard enough without pricing in some fixation.. Some people are obsessed with buying the dips or selling highs or whatever.. if this does, and often does... gets in a way of trading... they will LOSE... It is very hard to find all good qualities in ONE person (trader), that is why trading firms, funds.. benefit.. because usually one is very good at something... (at the expense of something else usually Some is very good at price prediction but emotional wreck.. Some are very "good boys", they do exactly what they are told but can't produce a single profitable trade.. Etc.. It would be great to combine THE JUICE of everyone, everyone does have something... and combine it together into EPIC trades.. But very few seem to be interested in this..
AND YEAH, the best guys... Even Trump was saying this a lot of times.. Best negotiators, experts, traders or ANY super-skilled people are usually ASSHOLES/nutcases; almost impossible to deal with It comes with the territory... But if one is interested in ther JUICE, their personality should be secondary...
Do you want a NICE/POLITE trader... that will BLOW your money or do you want the can help you make MONEY?
I would understand if any people here would ban/ignore people that bring nothing but shit... But it seems that POPULARITY is not proportional to THE JUICE... I have been checking some forums and the one that got it right the most are the least popular, most ignored... And the ones that wold blow account after another...
Ok, you get my point... Share your thoughts please, if you want...
BTW, this is what I love about "WALL STREET" or FINANCIAL markets in general... It is clear (not talking about bullshit trading like liquidity providing, executing by order etc... BUT REAL trading aka PRICE prediction or TECH/MARKET/PA exploit/manage.. etc..) what is expected... THE JUICE.. aka DELIVERING ALPHA... All other things are basically irrelevant... If one is good at something valuable.. but very bad (cryptonit reference) at something else.. they just delegate that component to someone else... so that trades go to some more reliable person for example... but JUICE of all types is appreciated.. As long as you BRING IT... you can do anything, do anything.. piss on the floor (in private... whatever As soon as this is not true, OUT! Opposite to some other professions where performance is secondary to ass-kissing etc... I hope at least SOMEONE would get what I'm talking about... Because how some people here are.. they would have hard time making any cent even if they had INSIDE info 5 hours before... Just to illustrate you the point...
Gordon Gekko: "It's not always the most popular person who gets the job done." WS87
P.S. Took quite an effort to write this and find/link the link... Would appreciate if you read/watch... But due to the fear too many trolls will reply.. I might not READ it for a while just in case
I wish some members will read this and consider working with others even if they do not like them... Putting ego (pride, competitiveness, arrogance) aside... for the benefit of making EPIC money, together... Some are good at technicals, some fundamentals etc... and they RARELY mix well Let's work together, how about that?
That is being a professional is all about, specially REAL trader... dealing with "enemies" if you have to... uniting FOR PROFITS made together! Think about it!