Why Are We Here? If you are really here for profits, please read! 145 replies
I want a losing system 138 replies
The till Aussi is back thread 377 replies
Bearish Gold thread / Bubble implode thread 40 replies
Goldline "Scandal" 33 replies
Dislikedhello, just got back from a nice canal walk to find some longs got closed closed ,so many posts to get throughstill waiting for warmer temps here in the UK
Disliked{quote} Yes, sometimes it even hits a stoploss that is not even there{quote} Speaking of summer, song that always plays in the background when Balkans people hang out on the beaches on hot summer evenings. I'm sure you'd know that.
Disliked{quote} Man 4 years of this and I'm still strugglingwhereas you don't give a shit, you just show up and take names day after day. I know your dad was as tough as old shoe leather on you when learning, but he really got you on the right track right out the gates must be in the genes
can't wait to get to your level
Disliked{quote} Man 4 years of this and I'm still strugglingwhereas you don't give a shit, you just show up and take names day after day. I know your dad was as tough as old shoe leather on you when learning, but he really got you on the right track right out the gates must be in the genes
can't wait to get to your level
Disliked{quote} as we are growing together on that, let me share something that I was been working on that helped me inmensely and improved me a lot those days, time. As yesterday we talked with jr it's about the x and y, horizontal and vertical lines, and he said quarterly period also What I start to noticing is that, excepting holidays, there are 2 times when price takes a break, end of the week and end of the day, from eod to eod we have 24 hour, the regular tfs told us that the common way to divide it with by 2 (12h,6h,3h) and by 3 (8h,4h,2h), but what's...Ignored