Why Are We Here? If you are really here for profits, please read! 145 replies
I want a losing system 138 replies
The till Aussi is back thread 377 replies
Bearish Gold thread / Bubble implode thread 40 replies
Goldline "Scandal" 33 replies
Disliked{quote} For me,, I fell in love with how Master Digger was using the stochastic indi for me it's the reason I am on this thread ever since I came across the knowledge on a post from the old man a whole new level of using an indi to track down price,, most important you have to know it's second info price always come first,, once you know how price operates using the basics "support and resistance" ,buying flag and selling flag you can use the stoch easy,, even on a naked chart you can add it I've seen from a decorated trader in this thread. {image}...Ignored
Disliked{quote} well it was enough good to enter some sheckels, also a good runner, but yes, I was been enought times the one that peed against the wind in that kind of situations to put the hand into the fire and tell that this level will holdIgnored
Disliked{quote} I never was able to understand how stoch are used here, yo have a really good enter there, at point and precise, great job manIgnored
Disliked{quote} did you try and buy the daily open on the way down? I did and took a $3 loss still working on whether to step out of the way or jump in at a levelIgnored
Disliked{quote} ... I guess the best advice for trading is "sit on your hands" :-) MuckyIgnored
Disliked{quote}jr , if ya did u hd a chnce to kll it ,ystrdys opn is wht price pnted out , tail gtting filled in on hrly, a m30 u wll see 3 spkes made 1 attmpt to kp er blw m30 200 aftr noon dlght prbly creepy crwlys chpping back thru sum sh-t, boys put in a nrml day , they tired story on todays opn anywy , nt at but thru u wud hve bn fine{image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} "at point and precise" this is how Mr joker advanced to elite he fell in love with those words,, so I started practicing my self ever since and still practicing.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I never was able to understand how stoch are used here, yo have a really good enter there, at point and precise, great job manIgnored
DislikedLast trade of the day for me. First sell of QH3/WH3 after the visit to L5. I wasn't supposed to take so many trades at once but I guess I was quite confident of that level I said 'what the hell, Imma go for it'. Lol.. I don't know if my gun was as fast as Jr.'s gatlin gun but I did pull the trigger... If it had failed I would have been toast. LOOOOL. We are at 220 already, A typical range for gold. I was expecting QP, but I guess they getting tired... {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} did you try and buy the daily open on the way down? I did and took a $3 loss still working on whether to step out of the way or jump in at a levelIgnored
Disliked{quote} jr , stopped for a sec oooy , woman and the dog have quarter mile kidney itus currently I guess , think there is an old old song , slow me down making no time , windsheild wipers slapping a tempo wwelp while they do what ever , Ill do a little, oooy shekels , maybe not quite as elegantly splained as before or a maybe not , time of day yapped bout or as in that time of day probably look for the last place the pucker uppers pucked , and that preious days open was pretty much a marked spot a nice "work payment"...Ignored