A waiting game with a few nibbles along the way
until the Match is over.
...and if I do do it right I may be able to upgrade from Pennies to Gold coins like the more Learned folks here
Ronnie Renko
Why Are We Here? If you are really here for profits, please read! 145 replies
I want a losing system 138 replies
The till Aussi is back thread 377 replies
Bearish Gold thread / Bubble implode thread 40 replies
Goldline "Scandal" 33 replies
Dislikedjr , welp put a check in the box , now what to do with the rest of the week {image} couple good pokes thru the next in line , ole chart box bottom support lieing like a mother blanker tho {image} Mr Ced is back in town , them crazy aussi s do a little flexing and whoop there it is ,all the next in lines {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Just teasing/playing games with us...........We shall PrevailIgnored
Disliked{quote} I am like a small mouse now who keeps nibbling on the large block of cheese {image}Ignored
Dislikedjr , Mr Aussi has been quiet , think he had a tic toc thing or "pod cast" he was getting into , all the rage now I guess , something happened https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5G6DJqkXPt4Ignored
Disliked{quote} been busy Jr but that still has not stopped me from trading to day killed the fall and ups has they presented themselvesIgnored
Disliked{quote}jr , ha , I know you are making strides Mr S , watching closely , told ya if it killed us both some how some way you gonna get there , Im getting a little tired of providing crack pipes and shit for dead beats , ebt cards and phones for illegals , havent really got into the whole finess thing cause I was only taught to do sh-t one way , wide open , an if ya aint , aint got reason to be stopping at the "bar" I really need to quit , once again , its been 0 days , , I just need to sink in the depths like well like...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I have been looking at the Yen crosses....I now know why you have been busy.......Looking like a free fall off a cliff.... {image}Ignored