DislikedToday we had a TIME flip from a buy at 1398.60 to a sell at 1418.72. +200 pips for the buy vs... lets see how many pips the time flip will give to the sell?Ignored
Still, we can't go anywhere near the pips generated ahead by the positive buy time flips. In the big XAU tread they are saying we are in a downtrend at the moment. I hope they are right about that.
Probably here we will see some negative time flips in between the buys and the sells? It smells like a small range. I hope I am wrong, but... Going back down to 1404 or something seems possible. Who cares, we are building up a trend portfolio? Buying some bottoms (1 or 2 for the day) does not sound a very bad idea to me.
Here is the daily reset. The flips are reclined, as if it will going down. The buy reclines do point down, while the sell reclines do point up, as it is now. This is just an indication, not a rule...
Maadik Hugiis. IQ 69.