Maadik Hugiis. IQ 69.
Hold the Gold 2 replies
Disliked...I share nothing here. Strategies. Indicators. EAs. Don't even ask. My goal is to help you, to hold your Trend trades.Ignored
Disliked{quote} The thing is, all strategies do work. But traders were brainwashed with some stupid RR ratios. This is ridiculous. And they fail. Always. And it does make sense to fail. They have been chopped by the up to 50/60 pips SL chopping machine. Nothing can survive it, in a long run. But when they hold it?Ignored
Dislikedwhat are you trying to contribute to people with this thread, aside of this valuable (limitless/fearless) R:R lessons... To hold the position or trade certain direction with the help of D1? TnxIgnored
Disliked{quote} This will be a very long journey. I just got back from a holiday and next week will fly to Japan for 3.5 weeks. I hope to run some live setups, to demonstrate how it is done. Catching some 300 to 600 pips on a single trade and having like 10-20-30+ similar trades in the portfolio, will definitely change the way people see things and will make them think, at least, how they can adapt their trading style in a similar way? My ultimate goal is to show them how to catch the 2020 trend. With a delta of 2000 pips and an average 1,000 per trade....Ignored
Disliked... just glad I knew the power of "burners" that you seem to hate aka rags to riches or my tp20 sl20 thread.... yeah (I) could not do it with SL20 for long ((for) now), but still...Ignored
QuoteDislikeddo not underestimate the power of burners...
Disliked{quote} Well, i hate the r2r idea they way it is presented here. Otherwise I DO LOVE THE IDEA. How about anyone has the qualities to do r2r? Maybe, not to a million. But 500 to 10k. 10-12 weeks out of 52 does that? Hmmm that is interesting. One can get down to once a month? 2 months guaranteed. 500->10,000. 2 blown ups. 8 are over the water line. Do it with ma crosses, if you like? No worries. {quote} Exactly. The trade and the money management is totally different, however. It is for everyone, unlike r2r.Ignored
DislikedGuys something weird has been happening on my trades since Monday and do not know what causes that. I have placed my SELLS ON FOUR PAIRS AND WHEN THE PRICE WENT DOWN(DROPPED) there on the profit/loss column it shows negative instead of being in profit, why is it doing this, is this normal in the other way round?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Totally get you! I personally believe that true r2r (with massive return) could be done (almost) only with one of the following: some sort of FIX (insides, technical advantage or manipulation) on the game, being wizard or yeah... getting divine/stat (anomaly/fluke/glitch) luck aka (serial) lottery winnerIgnored