In tea leaves we trust!

- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,358 Posts | Online Now
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return:
High Impact Events Trading... Gold & Copper 417 replies
COPPER -The bullish commodity 17 replies
Copper, Tin for delivery 2 replies
Dislikedalways a decision where the to base the fib extension on which trendline. if i move the C&H trendline off the candle bodies i get 2.0 fib. meanwhile diagonal fib hit exactly at 2.618 {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} sure did sailor! i think we are close to phase point. still think we are going to ATH without doubt. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} surprised they didn't make it over the ath. still good enough for a short now. size large blow off top.Ignored
Disliked{quote} closed at 4.89 ish. might still be heading north but i'll wait for confirmation before re-entering.Ignored