Closed too early? Look at this...
Most Volatile & Crazy Month? 6 replies
Anyone try using XAU/USD - XAU/EUR as proxy for EUR/USD? 4 replies
The most volatile pairs? 5 replies
the most volatile instrument 4 replies
Most volatile over the long term? 0 replies
DislikedOK guys new day started! Are you ready to rock?!?Some fancy stats. It was a task to double the deposit. Start day: 21.09.2021 End day: 09.11.2021 It took 36 trading days (about 7 weeks) Start equity: 10 000 $ Finish equity: 21 380 $ Min equity/balance was: 7 260 $ (so in fact 21 380 was made from 7 260 which is ≈300%) Is it possible? Yes. Is it risky? Yes! Try to do it again? YES!!!
DislikedNobody would use cars if they work as computers or brokers and they support and support chat. Never understood how markets interpret news, In my view FED will rise interest rates, and eurobean central wankers think how to flush toilet. Reaction was mild for EU. but i like the Gold move. Nice to see you catch it. watching it and might be soon start shorting it. now its 55Ignored
DislikedWho says too early, i am better, too early entry and too early exit.I cant remember when i took XAU last time. so little bit nervous and CPI number. {image}
DislikedI have created a task for my coder to make a trading panel that will remove (make inactive) buttons depending on EMA 200 (for example). Logic is this: if current price on XH (any you like) is higher than EMA X then no short button, and vice versa. That will not allow me to piss against the wind trend. Even if it is "very nice and feel like it can work".Ignored
Disliked{quote} You can try practice in home using these excellent Indians, no need to go out, and can watch trading terminal same time.Maybe your home folks wont be your fans for week or two.
Disliked{quote} Haha, you know my main problem is that I say "I'm done for today" and then "few more trades and that was last one I promise". And Zoltan said once to me: You have to wear boxing gloves to avoid clicking. That was the best advice I have ever received
If to be serious after I have implemented arrow filtering the trading became much easier. Because there are just no arrows against the trend. For example yesterday there were no short arrow on gold at London & NY sessions. Also may be to add "Enough"...
DislikedI am not against MA's, this is not scientific way verified, but often some MA areas happens few pips counter/bounce movements. I think because banks gives they corporations clients tools buy/sell currencies, which are using moving averages, like WWAP etc... There are quite lot information of those software. One problem with fx, its not easy spot what happend after third or fourth wave, will there be fifth, or does the "trend" melt and turn around. and Price start going opposite direction, and trader will be miss those, or fall trap and be in wrong...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Moving average for me is an index. I need something to start calculations from. Average price is a good index. Also I'm using, for example, USD as index currency. May be it is wrong and I should use JPY. But in fact in doesn't matter much. There are 3 dimension: distance (position), speed (time) and volume (size). I can see it with my eyes, but to tell my bot what to do I have to translate my "I see that" to the robot's "beep-beep-beep" language. What's why my charts looks like Christmas treeIgnored
Disliked{quote} You should help me use USD index, I have some kind of spiritual mind blockage of it, because I cant understand what the f... Swedish Crown is one of the components. I still have´t solve cryptic instructions of IKEA cuckoo clock, and Volvo is owned by Chinese. .Sweden they see Russian sub marines everywhere, and police not often solve crimes. So I am asking can I trust USD Index, because there is an odd component of pre historic squirrel skin trade instrument. and New ABBA album sucks.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It is pretty easy. First you have to find ADR for master pair. For example it is 1000 points. Then let's say it is 1%. You have 4 steps 0.25% each (so every step is 250 points). Now check the XAU. Its ADR is 2000. Then each step will be 500 points (not 250), and % step will be 0.5% (not 0.25%). And the same way for every pair you like. For example for BTC one step is 1.88% vs 0.25% for EU and it is 120833 points vs 250 points for EU. In fact there are a lot of approaches how to make the same. This is just an example. Then you get some number...Ignored