Disliked{quote} It was this (image) post: https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/...6#post14896406 And later he said: https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/...7#post14896527Ignored

Really need to be more focused when reading posts.
Disliked{quote} It was this (image) post: https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/...6#post14896406 And later he said: https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/...7#post14896527Ignored
Disliked{quote} can you link it, really would like to what what your eyes are looking to[/quote Trade when it breaks the white line, as you can see it runs through the upper part of the BODIES of at least two candles in the formation of 6 bars. You start counting candles where the color changes, sometimes you need to count the candle in just before the color change, other times not. {image}
Disliked{quote} 1000p will be a good first strike. Done already. It can go far, because it departs from the mas with a strong angle on H1Ignored
Disliked{quote} You can do the counting on any TF as long as it is on its way to cross your mas. You need to follow me if you want to trade like this, I can't keep on saying the same stuff all the time.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Done, thanks. #WhatAbout a little walk to the nearest support-became-resistance at 2314?{image}
Disliked{quote} Agree. I'm new here but I enjoy following you, I'll be your virtual tutor.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks, will post pictures of the shorter TF's for the same trade as above. {image}Ignored