DislikedWould like to compliment you xkwisit2001 on sharing this strategy that seems to be working well. I went over the complete thread and found it simple and profitable. I would you to explain a bit more on the MTF approach, where you look at say 5 min to signal a change of direction and then switch to 1 min to start taking entries. For e.g. if the 5 min signal line crosses the zero line, would you then see if the price is above the 200EMA for long trades or below for short trades? Once again a nice system!Ignored
Then I would go to my lower timeframe and follow the nova signals.
As long as you can see clear market structure then you can have more confidence knowing it should be more in your favour.
Make sure whatever you are looking at on the HTF, ensure there is a clear trend direction.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink